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String commands

String commands, also known as strcmds or nonccmds, are strings forwarded over the network for processing, rather than being handled by the command system.

Client string commands

This process occurs when a command is not found in the client, or when the cmd command is used to directly forward the command to the server. You can also run this for bots using bot_command.

There are a few types of client string commands:

  • Engine client commands: these are special commands already registered on the client and server as console commands, but are handled through string forwarding. These are all listed in the cvarlist.
  • Dispatch client commands: these are console commands only registered on the server (flagged as GAMEDLL), but are accepted to be run by the client. These are listed on the cvarlist as well.
  • Client commands: these are all other commands, which are parsed manually by handlers through their string command and arguments. These are not listed on the cvarlist.

List of client string commands

In-Game menu commands

  • closedwelcomemenu: handles what menu to display when joining the server (team or class menu depending on auto team). Useful to fix when you get stuck in spectator after closing MOTD.
  • team_ui_setup: open team select
  • autoteam: joins a team automatically.
  • menuopen: open class menu
  • menuclosed: close class menu
  • arena_changeclass: changes class in arena mode
  • jointeam: specify the team to change to, limited to every 2 seconds
  • joinclass: specify the class to change to, limited to every 0.5 seconds
  • resetclass: suicides and resets the player class in highlander mode
  • show_motd: shows the MOTD
  • show_htmlpage: shows a specified URL as MOTD
  • closed_htmlpage: notifies the MOTD was closed
  • showroundinfo: shows round info panel
  • voicemenu: plays a voice command by menu and item index, ex: voicemenu 1 2
  • tournament_readystate: set a team as ready.
  • tournament_teamname: set the team name.
  • tournament_player_readystate: set yourself as ready.
  • done_viewing_loot: finishes viewing loot in MvM
  • ignoremsg: says what chat messages to ignore. cycles between ignore none, ignore all, and ignore team.
  • Vote: internal command for casting votes.
  • next_map_vote: command for choosing between map selections in Casual, 0, 1 or 2.

In-Game Actions

  • weapon_taunt: does a taunt
  • taunt: same as weapon_taunt
  • stop_taunt: stops a long taunt
  • build: builds a building or sapper
  • destroy: destroys a building
  • eureka_teleport: for the Eureka Effect, teleports home, or if specified, a specific location: 0 (home) or 1 (teleport exit)
  • extendfreeze: extends death time by 2 seconds
  • pda_click: play PDA click animation
  • boo: while a ghost, says boo.
  • td_buyback: buys back in MvM
  • loot_response: plays voice line for getting loot in MvM game end. args: common, rare, ultra_rare.
  • coach_command: when coaching, handles coaching instructions (attack, defend, look, go)
  • vehicleRole: switches vehicle role index while in a vehicle.


  • killtarget: destroys an entity target by name/classname or uses picker. Only works with developer 1 and sv_cheats 1 when executed as the server host.
  • addcond: adds player condition by ID
  • removecond: removes player condition by ID.
  • mp_playgesture: play a gesture by name, requires sv_cheats 1
  • mp_playanimation: play a sequence by name, requires sv_cheats 1
  • te: spawns a test temp ent. Requires sv_cheats 1.
  • demorestart: requests a full update packet from the server
  • fade: fades the screen to a black tint
  • condump_on: turn on Power Play, if there is another argument, will enable for the whole team.
  • condump_off: turn off Power Play, if there is another argument, will disable for the whole team.


  • playerperf: dumps player packet history
  • nextmap: tells you the next map.
  • timeleft: tells you the time left for the map.


  • spectate: enters spectator mode
  • spec_next: moves to next player in spectate
  • spec_prev: moves to prev player in spectate
  • spec_mode: changes camera mode for spectate
  • spec_player: spectates by SteamID, player name or server #UserID
  • spec_goto: spectates at coordinates x y z pitch yaw


  • vban: an internal command for sending a mask for telling the server what voice data from players to ignore due to muted status.
  • VModEnable: tells the server to not send voice data (0) or to send voice data (1). Used to communicate the status of voice_modenable.

Server string commands

This process occurs when the server wants the client to run a command which is flagged by server_can_execute.

You can use the clientcmd command or a point_clientcommand entity to send these commands.