This is a list of features that come out of the box with mastercomfig, so you can get an idea of what it can manage for you.
- Fully compatible with custom scripts and configs
- Extensive commenting for different options
- Presets to easily fit your use case
- Extra optional customization settings
- Modular config system to allow for fast updating
- Extensive built-in addon system, providing support for null-canceling movement, transparent viewmodels and more
App features¶
- Easy customization of settings
- One click install package
- Customize keybinds including advanced class config setups
- Customize various aspects of weapons like crosshairs, firing effects and explosions
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed match HUD not fully disappearing when disabled
- Fixed tournament settings lingering into local servers
- Threaded graphics
- Optimizations for modern systems
- Optimized LOD
- Optimized lighting
- Optimized shadows
- Optimized particles
- Optimized water
- Optimized post-processing effects
- Optimized anti-aliasing and texture filtering
- Optimized characters
- Optimized decals
- Optimized gibs
- Optimized props
- Optimized ropes
- Optimized outlines
Start up¶
- Cleaned up texture preload list
- Cleaned up client precache
- Cleaned up console output
- Optimized start up time
- Persistent LZMA buffer
- File system optimizations
- Fully async IO
- Optimized memory usage
- Reduced latency of client commands (opening class menu, switching spectators, kill, MvM buyback and more!)
- Increased data rate
- Reduced choke
- Reduced packet loss and improved reliability
- Optimized prediction and interp systems for better hitreg
- Tuned client view smoothing
- Increased client timeout
- Increased max file size for extra content
- Templated customization of network settings per class
- Reduced overall overhead of networking system
- Asynchronous sound playback
- Adjusted lip sync
- Minimized sound delay
- Improved sound performance
- Enhanced sound quality and spatialization
- Enhanced voice chat toggle feature, which acts instantly in a server and reduces bandwidth usage
- Optional same sensitivity for scope and other mouse enhancements for consistent input
- Prevents aimbots from joining local servers
- Prevents players from joining your party without your permission, spamming the party chat, causing lag and sound spam
- Optional mitigation of Steam game info leaking your IP address when in a local server