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Modules are groups of related commands with specific values for a certain use case or quality level.

How to use

Modules are used in presets to set quality levels and can also be used in your very own tf/cfg/overrides/modules.cfg file to customize your config easily without searching for individual console variable values. You can find out what module levels your preset uses by viewing their respective cfg file. To set a custom module level, put it in overrides/modules.cfg. For example:


will set the texture quality to high.


If you do not have overrides folder, create one. The same goes for the modules.cfg file.

Hardware usage levels

Each module comes listed with its usage intensity of the related feature for both CPU (processor) and GPU (graphics card), ranging from none, low, medium, and high.

These estimates will give you a rough idea about which settings you can balance for your specific setup and which settings adjustments can provide the highest impact. These usage levels are merely a relative estimate, not a precise indicator of the performance impact.

Check Module Level Selection

You can check what module level you have selected for a module by entering module_level into the console. For example, textures_level will output:


or similar.

You can also view selected levels for all modules by entering module_levels into the console.



These steps are entirely optional and are only for advanced customization.

Module level aliases

Modules are backed with aliases, so you can easily use them in advanced customization and scripting.

If you want to disable running a module entirely, you can put (for example) alias textures in overrides/modules.cfg. This will prevent mastercomfig from running texture commands. An exception to this rule is the Snapshot Buffer module. To fully disabled it, you must use snapshot_buffer=custom.

Since module aliases act like normal commands, you can use them in the console to change game settings easily. For example, enter textures_high into the console to temporarily set your texture quality to high for that game session. You can reset your modules to what they were on startup by entering run_modules into the console.

Module user layer alias

The modules you choose in overrides/modules.cfg are executed by the modules_c alias.

This means that you can change this alias in the game and have multiple versions of your modules for different quality preferences you may have. You can apply these new modules using apply_overrides.

Networking modules

SourceTV Compatibility

Optimizes spectator view or ensures compatibility with SourceTV.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: sourcetv=on (all presets).

  • sourcetv=off: Reduces the latency of changing spectator targets, but breaks compatibility with SourceTV. Cannot be switched off until a game restart.
  • sourcetv=on: Keeps compatibility with SourceTV.

Packet Rate

Controls how fast you send to and receive from the server.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: packet_rate=standard (all presets, except Very Low).

  • packet_rate=congestion: A halved (33) packet rate for congested networks, usually bad Wi-Fi, or very slow CPUs.
  • packet_rate=standard: The standard 66 packet rate which is the maximum for all normal servers.

Snapshot Buffer

Controls how reliable to consider the snapshots you receive from the server to apply client-side buffering/smoothing between snapshot receives. Also known as linear interpolation (lerp or interp).

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: snapshot_buffer=auto (all presets).

  • snapshot_buffer=auto: Automatically sets the best interpolation value per class. For hitscan classes (Scout, Heavy, Engineer and Sniper), this sets snapshot_buffer_safe. For projectile classes (Soldier, Pyro, Demoman and Medic), this sets snapshot_buffer_low. For Spy this sets snapshot_buffer_safe.
  • alias snapshot_buffer snapshot_buffer_low: A dangerously minimal buffering time which does not have room for any networking or server delays or drops (15ms lerp when using packet_rate=standard, or 30ms lerp when using packet_rate=congestion). There is almost no reason to use this option, except in LAN scenarios, as snapshot_buffer=auto will optimize lag compensation for each class.
  • snapshot_buffer=safe: Safest option with minimal snapshot delay by using every other snapshot (30ms lerp when using packet_rate=standard, or 60ms lerp when using packet_rate=congestion).
  • snapshot_buffer=high: Heavily protects against packet loss by using every 3rd snapshot (45ms lerp when using packet_rate=standard, or 90ms lerp when using packet_rate=congestion).
  • snapshot_buffer=custom: Prevents mastercomfig from messing with interp.
  • snapshot_buffer=anim: Adjusts the smoothing to be ideal for animations and NPCs rather than gameplay. You can use this for smoother offline recordings, single-player, etc.

Packet Size

Controls how big packets are and how they are split up/compressed. It’s unlikely that you will ever need to change this setting.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: packet_size=large (all presets).

  • packet_size=small: Uses the smallest packet size that even the worst routers will process.
  • packet_size=conservative: Uses a smaller, safe packet size that most routers will process.
  • packet_size=large: Uses the max recommended packet size by Steam to avoid split packets.


Controls the max speed of packet sending to restrict it to your internet speed to prevent packet overflow. Values in bits (Kilobits or Megabits per second).


This does not increase data usage. It only restricts how quickly the game can send data.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: bandwidth=1.0Mbps (all presets).

  • bandwidth=128Kbps: 128Kbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=192Kbps: 192Kbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=384Kbps: 384Kbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=512Kbps: 0.5Mbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=762Kbps: 0.8Mbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=1.0Mbps: 1.0Mbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=1.5Mbps: 1.5Mbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=2.0Mbps: 2.0Mbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=2.5Mbps: 2.5Mbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=3.0Mbps: 3.0Mbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=4.0Mbps: 4.0Mbps game traffic bandwidth.
  • bandwidth=6.0Mbps: 6.0Mbps game traffic bandwidth.


Filters what custom content is allowed to be downloaded from the server.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: download=auto (all presets).

  • download=auto: Whatever the user sets in the game settings.
  • download=all: Download all custom files from servers.
  • download=nosounds: Download everything but sounds from servers.
  • download=mapsonly: Download only maps from servers.
  • download=nothing: Do not download any custom files from servers.

Graphics modules

Model Quality

Controls how detailed models are.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • lod=low: Low model detail.
  • lod=medium: Medium model detail.
  • lod=high: High model detail.
  • lod=ultra: Forces high model detail regardless of distance.


Controls lighting fidelity: dynamic lights, detailed lighting, rimlights, light averaging, lightwarps, and ambient boost.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: high

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • lighting=very_low: No dynamic lights. Skips all non-static lighting. No light brightness smoothing, lightwarps, rimlights or lighting brightness boost. Blocky world lighting.
  • lighting=low: No dynamic lights. Skips dim non-static lights. No light brightness smoothing, lightwarps, rimlights or lighting brightness boost. Blocky world lighting.
  • lighting=medium: No dynamic lights. Detailed non-static lighting. No light brightness smoothing, lightwarps, rimlights or lighting brightness boost.
  • lighting=medium_high: No dynamic lights. Detailed non-static lighting.
  • lighting=high: 1 dynamic light. Detailed non-static lighting.
  • lighting=very_high: 4 dynamic lights. Detailed non-static lighting.
  • lighting=ultra: 32 dynamic lights. Extremely detailed non-static lighting.

Lighting Ex

Controls extended lighting commands which cause a material system reload.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: high

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • lighting_ex=low: Better hints to use the lighting fast path (disables bumpmaps, specular and phong). May reduce performance on modern PCs, due to rendering reloads.
  • lighting_ex=high: Uses whatever the material’s lighting needs (enables bumpmaps, specular and phong).


Controls shadow quality. Shadow limits affect rendered shadows. Shadows above the limit will be blobby.

  • CPU usage: high
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • shadows=off: No shadows.
  • shadows=very_low: Blobby shadows.
  • shadows=low: Up to 3 low quality shadows.
  • shadows=medium: Up to 23 high quality shadows, and low robot/Halloween boss shadow distance. Uses lowest quality model to render shadows.
  • shadows=high: Up to 23 high quality shadows, and medium robot/Halloween boss shadow distance. Uses lowest quality model to render shadows.
  • shadows=very_high: Up to 23 high quality shadows, and high robot/Halloween boss shadow distance. Uses lowest quality model to render shadows.
  • shadows=ultra: Up to 160 high quality shadows, and unlimited robot/Halloween boss shadow distance. Uses highest quality model (at root LOD) to render shadows.


Controls flashlight support. Flashlights are not used in TF2, so you should keep it disabled unless you need it for a certain community server mod, like Slender, or some Deathrun servers.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: flashlight=off (all presets).

  • flashlight=off: Disables flashlight support.
  • flashlight=on: Enables flashlight support. If the shadows module is off, this will set it to the very_low level.


Controls weapon and other miscellaneous effects.


The way TF2 uses these settings is inconsistent and may not apply in all cases.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • effects=low: Disables shell casing ejection, disables muzzle flashes, disables first person tracers, disables water splashes, disables temp ent (syringe) collision. Disables monitors.
  • effects=medium: Disables shell casing ejection, disables muzzle flashes, shows first person tracers, enables water splashes, disables temp ent (syringe) collision. 512x render resolution for monitors.
  • effects=high: Disables shell casing ejection, disables muzzle flashes, shows first person bullet tracers and makes bullet tracers thicker, enables water splashes. 1K render resolution for monitors.
  • effects=ultra: Enables shell casing ejection, enables muzzle flashes, shows first person bullet tracers and makes bullet tracers thicker, enables water splashes. 2K render resolution for monitors.


Controls water reflections.

  • CPU usage: high
  • GPU usage: high

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • water=very_low: Makes water black. 32x water render resolution.
  • water=low: Makes water solid. 128x water render resolution. Fades out to low quality solid/black water at short ranges.
  • water=medium: Uses standard water with no reflections. Fades out to low quality solid/black water at reasonable ranges. 256x water render resolution.
  • water=medium_high: Uses standard water with basic reflections. Fades out to low quality solid/black water at reasonable ranges. 512x water render resolution.
  • water=high: Uses standard water with all reflections. Fades out to low quality solid/black water at reasonable ranges. 1K water render resolution.
  • water=very_high: Uses high quality water with all reflections. Fades out to low quality solid/black water at reasonable ranges. 1K water render resolution.
  • water=ultra: Uses high quality water with all reflections. Never fades out to low quality water. 2K water render resolution.


Controls particle effects.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • particles=very_low: Collapses spawning particles into existing particles (including bullet tracers and flames) together, disables weather particles, reduces particle density/quality.
  • particles=low: Disables weather particles, reduces particle density/quality.
  • particles=medium: Disables weather particles, reduces particle density/quality.
  • particles=high: Enables weather particles, uses full particle density/quality.
  • particles=ultra: Enables weather particles, uses full particle density/quality, and forces full simulation for all particles.

General Post-Processing

Controls standard post-processing effects.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • post_processing=off: No post-processing.
  • post_processing=low: Enables basic color correction.
  • post_processing=medium: Enables LDR bloom.
  • post_processing=high: Enables standard HDR and bloom.


Controls Pyrovision visual effects.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • pyrovision=low: Disables Pyrovision vignette and skybox SSAO depth of field.
  • pyrovision=medium: Enables static Pyrovision vignette.
  • pyrovision=high: Enables skybox SSAO depth of field and dynamic Pyrovision vignette.


Controls Romevision visual effects. For more info, click here.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: romevision=off (all presets).

  • romevision=off: Disables Romevision effects.
  • romevision=on: Enables Romevision effects.

Motion Blur

Controls blurring effect from rotation and movement.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: motion_blur=off (all presets).

  • motion_blur=off: Turns off motion blur.
  • motion_blur=low: Turns on motion blur but reduces it significantly.
  • motion_blur=high: Motion blur fully enabled.


Controls MSAA anti-aliasing.


On Linux and macOS, enabling causes TF2 to do a slow full clear on AMD cards!


On Linux, enabling may cause rendering errors with Wayland.


On DirectX, enabling MSAA may increase input latency.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • anti_aliasing=off: Turns off anti-aliasing.
  • anti_aliasing=msaa_2x: Enables MSAA 2x.
  • anti_aliasing=msaa_4x: Enables MSAA 4x.
  • anti_aliasing=msaa_8x: Enables MSAA 8x.

Texture Filtering

Controls texture smoothing/filtering.


Texture filtering will only work on textures=low and higher.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • texture_filter=bilinear: Bilinear filtering
  • texture_filter=trilinear: Trilinear filtering
  • texture_filter=aniso2x: Anisotropic filtering 2x
  • texture_filter=aniso4x: Anisotropic filtering 4x
  • texture_filter=aniso8x: Anisotropic filtering 8x
  • texture_filter=aniso16x: Anisotropic filtering 16x


Adjusts characters details.


Facial animations will only work on lod=medium and higher.

  • CPU usage: high
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • characters=very_low: Disables facial animations, no eyes or teeth.
  • characters=low: Disables facial animations, enables eyes, disables teeth, disables eye movement and blinking.
  • characters=medium: Enables facial animations, enables eyes and teeth, disables eye movement and blinking, disables enhanced lip sync.
  • characters=medium_high: Enables facial animations, enables eyes and teeth, enables eye movement and blinking, enables enhanced lip sync at short range.
  • characters=high: Enables smooth facial animations, enables eyes and teeth, enables eye movement and blinking, enables enhanced lip sync at a slightly increased range.
  • characters=ultra: Enables extra smooth facial animations, high quality models, enables eyes and teeth, enables eye movement and blinking, enables enhanced lip sync at all ranges.

General Decals

Controls bullet holes and overall decal support.


In the Very Low preset, decals are forced invisible.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • decals=off: Disables decals.
  • decals=low: 9 max decals.
  • decals=medium 32 max decals.
  • decals=high: 80 max decals.
  • decals=ultra: 512 max decals.

Model Decals

Controls blood on hurt players and some bullet decals on props.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • decals_models=off: Disables model decals.
  • decals_models=low: Allow up to 9 model decals.
  • decals_models=high: Allow up to 50 model decals.

Map Decals

Controls decals placed by the map author.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • decals_art=off: Disables map decals.
  • decals_art=on: Enables map decals, and blocks full decal clearing done by mastercomfig periodically.

Spray Decals

Controls decals sprayed by players.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: sprays=off (all presets).

  • sprays=off: Completely disables downloading, uploading and displaying sprays. Deletes temporary spray files on shutdown.
  • sprays=on: Allows sprays, and blocks full decal clearing done by mastercomfig periodically. Deletes temporary spray files on shutdown. If the decals module is off, this will set it to the low level.
  • sprays=keep: Allows sprays, and blocks full decal clearing done by mastercomfig periodically. Keeps temporary spray files on shutdown. If the decals module is off, this will set it to the low level.


Controls gibs created by player explosions.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • gibs=off: Disables gibs.
  • gibs=low: Max of 2 gib parts.
  • gibs=medium_low: Max of 4 gib parts.
  • gibs=medium: Default number of gibs.
  • gibs=high: Default number of gibs, gibs can burn.

Silly Gibs

Controls low violence mode.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: sillygibs=auto (all presets).

  • sillygibs=auto: Automatically chooses the best silly gibs setting for performance (on if gibs are off, off if gibs are on).
  • sillygibs=off: Normal gibs and blood.
  • sillygibs=on: Turns on silly gibs mode. This means birthday style gibs, sparks instead of blood upon flesh bullet impact, some low violence assets (like blood on the Half-Zatoichi) and no blood spawned upon gibbing.


Controls the rendering of various small objects.

  • CPU usage: high
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • props=low: Disables client side props like bottles, disables foliage, low quality prop models and invisible railings.
  • props=medium: Disables client side props, disables foliage, default quality prop models.
  • props=high: Enables ambient lighting and decals on static props, enables a small number of client side props, enables foliage at a reasonable distance with instant pop in, default quality prop models.
  • props=ultra Enables ambient lighting and decals on static props, enables a high number of client side props, enables foliage at practically any distance, max quality prop models regardless of distance.


Controls physics simulation and fading for bodies that spawn on death.

  • CPU usage: high
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • ragdolls=hidden: Makes ragdolls invisible, but keeps them in the map, decreasing performance over time.
  • ragdolls=off: Disables ragdolls by fading them out quickly.
  • ragdolls=medium: Enables standard physics ragdolls.
  • ragdolls=high: Enables ragdolls with collisions with a high fade out time, as well as special animations like decapitation.

3D Sky

Controls the enhanced 3D skybox that is present in most maps.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • 3dsky=off: Disables 3D sky.
  • 3dsky=on: Enables 3D sky.


Controls cloth and joint physics on some items like the fish and skull bat.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • jigglebones=off: Always disables jigglebones.
  • jigglebones=on: Disables jigglebones only if the framerate is below 67FPS.
  • jigglebones=force_on: Never disables jigglebones.

Killstreak Sheens Speed

Controls how fast the animation is on the killstreak sheen glow for weapons.


Killstreak sheens do not work on DirectX 8.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: sheens_speed=slow (all presets, except Very Low).

  • sheens_speed=off: Skips updating sheen glow animation.
  • sheens_speed=slow: Slow speed.
  • sheens_speed=medium: The standard speed.
  • sheens_speed=fast: Faster speed.

Killstreak Sheens Tint Intensity

Controls how intense the color tint is on the killstreak sheen glow for weapons.


This module will have no effect if sheens_speed is set to off.


Killstreak sheens do not work on DirectX 8.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: sheens_tint=high (all presets).

  • sheens_tint=low: Base tint.
  • sheens_tint=medium: Small tint boost.
  • sheens_tint=high: High tint boost.
  • sheens_tint=full: Maximum tint boost.

Texture Quality

Controls texture quality.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • textures=very_low: Low texture quality, blocky textures, disables texture blending.
  • textures=low: Low texture quality, disables texture blending.
  • textures=medium: Medium texture quality.
  • textures=high: High texture quality.
  • textures=very_high: Very High texture quality.
  • textures=ultra: Maximum texture quality.


Controls ropes for Mannpower grappling hook and decorations in maps.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • ropes=off: Disables ropes.
  • ropes=low: Basic ropes.
  • ropes=high: Ropes with smoothing and basic subdivisions.
  • ropes=ultra: Ropes with max smoothing, increased subdivisions, collision checks and wind simulation.


Controls the highest frame rate (FPS/frames per second) that the game can reach.

You can set it lower for faster load times, more consistent frame rate, and lower power usage.

Setting it higher can reduce input delay.


Although it is common advice to set this based on your display’s refresh rate, the only thing you need to consider is having the FPS cap greater than or equal to your monitor’s refresh rate to get the full effect of your monitor. Otherwise, it will solely be a determination based on your preference as described above.


This module is only provided for general convenience and accessibility. The built-in FPS cap in Team Fortress 2 has precision problems depending on your CPU (such as Intel Skylake platform and above) as well as accuracy problems on Windows due to usage of millisecond timers. It is recommended you use a more reliable FPS cap tool, like Rivatuner and set fpscap=unlimited to disable the in-game FPS cap.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: fpscap=400 (all presets).

  • fpscap=powersaver: Sets FPS cap to half of your display’s refresh rate.
  • fpscap=30: Sets FPS cap to 30 FPS.
  • fpscap=60: Sets FPS cap to 60 FPS.
  • fpscap=75: Sets FPS cap to 75 FPS.
  • fpscap=120: Sets FPS cap to 120 FPS.
  • fpscap=144: Sets FPS cap to 144 FPS.
  • fpscap=160: Sets FPS cap to 160 FPS.
  • fpscap=165: Sets FPS cap to 165 FPS.
  • fpscap=180: Sets FPS cap to 180 FPS.
  • fpscap=200: Sets FPS cap to 200 FPS.
  • fpscap=240: Sets FPS cap to 240 FPS.
  • fpscap=300: Sets FPS cap to 300 FPS.
  • fpscap=360: Sets FPS cap to 360 FPS.
  • fpscap=400: Sets FPS cap to 400 FPS.
  • fpscap=1000: Sets FPS cap to 1000 FPS (maximum safe value).
  • fpscap=unlimited: FPS is not capped. Removes small overhead from capping FPS, but ensure that you never surpass 1000FPS in meaningful game scenarios.


Controls VSync, which removes screen tearing by syncing FPS to your monitor’s refresh rate, at the cost of increased input latency.


If your FPS does not reach your refresh rate, it will drop to the next lowest divisor (for example, 30FPS with a 60Hz monitor).


It’s recommended to keep this off, and use NVidia Adaptive VSync, which keeps VSync on only when the framerate is high enough, or NVidia Fast VSync (Enhanced Sync on AMD), which drops frames which would cause tearing, while having a much lower input latency compared to traditional VSync.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: vsync=off (all presets).

  • vsync=off: Disables VSync.
  • vsync=on: Enables VSync.

HUD modules

Player Model

Toggles the live 3D player model in the corner of your screen.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: medium

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • hud_player_model=off: Disables the player model.
  • hud_player_model=on: Enables the player model.


Controls the Contracts HUD seen at the top right corner of the screen during gameplay.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: hud_contracts=auto (all presets, except Very Low).

  • hud_contracts=auto: Whatever the user set in the game settings.
  • hud_contracts=hide: Hides the Contracts HUD.
  • hud_contracts=all: Shows all Contracts available.
  • hud_contracts=active: Only shows active Contracts.


Controls health/player info panels and target ID translucency.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: hud_panels=high (all presets, except Low and Very Low).

  • hud_panels=off: Disables health/player info panels that appear when looking at a player, disables target ID box.
  • hud_panels=low: Enables health/player info panels that appear when looking at a player, enables opaque target ID box.
  • hud_panels=high: Enables health/player info panels that appear when looking at a player, enables translucent target ID box.


Controls the display of target ID avatars.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • hud_avatars=off: Disables avatars.
  • hud_avatars=everyone: Enables the display of everyone’s avatars.
  • hud_avatars=friends: Enables the display of your friends’ avatars.

Match HUD

Toggles match status HUD at the top of the screen.


It’s highly recommended to use this module, as the built-in console variable does not work properly when turning off directly.

  • CPU usage: high
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: match_hud=on (all presets, except Very Low).

  • match_hud=off: Disables match status HUD.
  • match_hud=on: Enables match status HUD.


Controls text chat, which displays player messages and voice messages.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: messages=on (all presets, except Very Low).

  • messages=off: Disables text chat.
  • messages=hide: Hides text chat.
  • messages=on: Enables text chat.


Controls death and objective notifications in the top right corner.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: killfeed=on (all presets, except Very Low).

  • killfeed=off: Disables killfeed.
  • killfeed=on: Enables killfeed.


Controls banners that appear at the top center of the screen, notifying you of a player’s killstreak.

  • CPU usage: medium
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: killstreaks=high (all presets, except Low and Very Low).

  • killstreaks=off: Disables killstreak banner.
  • killstreaks=low: Enables killstreak opaque banner.
  • killstreaks=high: Enables killstreak translucent banner.

HUD Achievements

Controls the HUD achievements tracker.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: hud_achievement=off (all presets).

  • hud_achievement=off: Disables achievement tracker panel completely.
  • hud_achievement=on: Enables support for achievement tracker panel.


Controls developer console.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: console=on (all presets, except Very Low).

  • console=off: Disables developer console.
  • console=on: Enables developer console.


Controls HTML MOTDs. This includes ads, music player, rules, fancy server intros, etc.

This module is disabled by default, since server ads can cause lag spikes.

  • CPU usage: low
  • GPU usage: low

Default setting: htmlmotd=off (all presets).

  • htmlmotd=off: Disables HTML MOTDs.
  • htmlmotd=on: Enables HTML MOTDs.


Controls the outlines that appear through walls for players, some objectives (payload cart, CTF briefcase), and the Scottish Resistance’s stickybombs.


Outlines do not work on DirectX 8.

  • CPU usage: high
  • GPU usage: high

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • outlines=off: Disables outlines and nametags.
  • outlines=low: Enables nametags, disable outlines.
  • outlines=medium: Disables nametags and player outlines, enable objective outlines.
  • outlines=high: Enables nametags and outlines.

Map Background

Controls the live map that appears in the background of the main menu. Some options automatically exit immediately, for the sake of preloading assets.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: dynamic_background=off (all presets).

  • dynamic_background=off: No main menu map background on startup.
  • dynamic_background=preload: preload_room map background for yttrium’s preloading (auto disconnects). You have to install the map to tf/maps, or else this will not function.
  • dynamic_background=itemtest: itemtest map background for preloading (auto disconnects).
  • dynamic_background=dustbowl: Live Dustbowl map main menu background on startup.

Sound modules


Controls a variety of sound effects, including spatialization and positional effects.


In the Low and Very Low preset VPKs, spatialization and positional effects (called DSP in the Source Engine) are completely disabled.

  • CPU usage: high
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: based on which preset you are currently using.

  • sound=low: Disables sound volume mixing, very low quality sound spatialization and positional effects, delays spatialization.
  • sound=medium: Enables sound volume mixing, only basic sound spatialization and positional effects enabled, slightly delays spatialization.
  • sound=high: Enables sound volume mixing, enables all sound spatialization and positional effects, slightly delays spatialization.
  • sound=very_high Enables sound volume mixing, enables all sound spatialization and positional effects, immediately spatializes and traces sounds, enables pitch smoothing.
  • sound=ultra: Enables sound volume mixing, enables enhanced sound spatialization and positional effects, immediately spatializes and traces sounds, enables pitch smoothing.

Voice Chat

Controls player voice chat.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: voice_chat=on (all presets, except Very Low).

  • voice_chat=off: Fully disables the in-game voice chat system, does not receive audio and cannot be re-enabled until reconnect.
  • voice_chat=hidden: Disables the in-game voice chat system by blocking audio from playing.
  • voice_chat=on: Enables the in-game voice chat system.

Misc modules

Mod Support

Ensures compatibility with animation and model mods.


You may want to also enable preloading using the Map Background module.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: mod_support=on (all presets).

  • mod_support=off: Does not block settings that may cause crashes with animation and model mods.
  • mod_support=on: Blocks settings that may cause crashes with animation and model mods.

Party Join Mode

Controls the privacy of your Casual/Competitive matchmaking party.


The Friends Only restriction for parties can be bypassed, which means anyone can join your party if they have your Steam ID. Leaving your party open can result in anyone to join your party and spam party chat, causing lag, sound spam and other disruptions.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: party_mode=request (all presets).

  • party_mode=open: Open party (people can join anytime).
  • party_mode=request: Request-only party (people can only join if you accept their request or if you invite them).
  • party_mode=invite: Invite-only party (people can only join if you invite them).

Controls the mastercomfig logo which appears in console on start up.

  • CPU usage: none
  • GPU usage: none

Default setting: logo=on (all presets, except Very Low).

  • logo=off: Does not print logo in console on startup.
  • logo=on: Prints logo in console on startup.