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Particle Panels

Originally posted by Puddy on the guide forums

You can place any particle effect on the main menu by putting this into your mainmenuoverride.res:

  "ControlName" "CTFParticlePanel"
  "fieldName"       "TitleScreenRain"
  "xpos"            "0"
  "ypos"            "0"
  "zpos"            "-10000"
  "wide"            "f0"
  "tall"            "f0"
  "visible"     "1"
  "proportionaltoparent"    "1"

      "particle_xpos" "c0"
      "particle_ypos" "-20"
      "particle_scale"  "0.5" // you can change particle size here
      "particleName"    "env_rain_512x1792" // you can change particle name here
      "angles"  "0 0 20" // you can change particle angles here
      "start_activated" "1"
      "loop"    "1" // if the particle should expire
    "1" // you can add multiple particles in the same panel
      "particle_xpos" "c256"
      "particle_ypos" "-20"
      "particle_scale"  "0.5"
      "particleName"    "env_rain_512x1792"
      "angles"  "0 0 20"
      "start_activated" "1"
      "loop"    "1"

  "paintbackground" "0"

Here’s a preview, as you can see, Sawmill’s raining particle effects are present:

You can refer to the VDC list of TF2 particles for ideas on what particle names you can use.

You can also use this in animations and anywhere else in your HUD.